weight back

On Track

get your dog’s

Customized support for your very own Chubby Dog.

get 1 month free plus! Add a 2nd dog for no additional cost.

get started

It’s never been easier to start today:

Download the app from the App Store
or Google Play. Does your pup need to lose a few milkbones? Grab the 8-week Companion Workbook for best results!

for Your Pooch

Enter your dog’s information such as: food budget, activities, heartworm prevention schedule, flea/tick prevention, yearly exam and vaccine schedule, and daily medications (optional)

track daily activities

Choose when you want to be notified to stay on track with your dog’s new daily eating and exercise habits. Never miss a yearly exam, vaccine, or prevention with custom notifications.

team up with your vet

Keep your preferred veterinarian up-to-date with detailed monthly reports as you work together to improve your dog’s health. Download your dog’s weight loss plan worksheet here!

the tools you need—and your dog deserves—anytime, anywhere

Weight loss

Daily Food &
Activity Log


With Your Vet

Custom Medication Reminders